Service List


Service Request Form


CodeServiceUnitPrice (TL)
H0001Determination of the content of the material and the bonds between atoms with one-thousandth precisionper sample6,045.00
H0002Boron (B) doping processper hour4,000.00
H0003Spin coatingUp to 1 hour1,200.00
H0004Spin coatingUp to 1 hour1,000.00
H0005Doping Activation Energy Measurement by Current-Voltage Measurement at Cryogenic Temperaturesper sample12,955.00
H0006Defect analysis with the effect of Photoluminescence at Cryogenic Temperaturesper sample17,272.00
H0007Screen Printing Metallizationper hour16,000.00
H0008Screen Printing Metallizationper hour12,000.00
H0009Measurement of active dopant conce ntration in depth by Electrochemical Capacitance-Voltage (ECV)per hour3,000.00
H0010Electroluminescence Imaging (EL) (Module)per sample2,160.00
H0011Electroluminescence Imaging (Small area)Up to 1 hour900.00
H0012Maximum Power Test (Double-Sided PV Panels)per sample6,980.00
H0013Maximum Power Test (Single-Sided PV Panels)per sample5,040.00
H0014Solar cell efficiency measurement on an industrial sizeper sample400.00
H0015Solar Cell efficiency measurement under flash lightper sample400.00
H0016Pseudo-efficiency measurement of a solar cell under flash lightper sample1,730.00
H0017Determination of flash-induction interaction charge carrier lifetime depending on temperatureper sample6,480.00
H0018Phosphorus (P) doping processper hour3,000.00
H0019Outdoor tests of photovoltaic modulesper month17,275.00
H0020FTIR in gloveboxUp to 1 hour900.00
H0021Imaging and mapping the structural defects of solar cells by photoluminescence methodper sample4,320.00
H0022Measurement of metal contact resistance of solar cells (including sample preparation)per hour2,000.00
H0023Determination of solar cell contact damages by electroluminescence methodper sample200.00
H0024Horizontal and vertical dimension measurement of phenomena on the surface of solar cellsper sample1,730.00
H002518 kWe Solar Simulator use for concentrated solar energy applicationsper samplePricing will be customized based on demand
H0026I-V measurement in ambient conditions (Small area)per hour900.00
H0027I-V measurement in glove box (Small area)per hour1,000.00
H0028Implantation processes (B, P, BF2, F, Ar)per hour12,000.00
H0029Current-voltage measurement in thin-film solar cellsper sample1,300.00
H0030Interstitial Oxygen and Carbon Content Concentration Analysis of Materials by Infrared Ray Absorbtionper sample17,272.00
H0031Measurement of quantum efficiency of solar cells under cascade monochromatic radiationper sample8,635.00
H0032Determination of right-angle and diffuse transmittance properties of materials under stepped monochromatic radiationper sample6,480.00
H0033Determination of right-angle and diffuse reflection properties of materials under stepped monochromatic radiationper sample6,480.00
H0034Measurement of deep defects by excitation-induced electrical behavior of the semiconductorsper sample30,225.00
H0035Molecular bond analysis of materials with mid-infrared lightper sample2,160.00
H0036Quantitative Analysis of Cross-Linking Percentages in Encapsulant-Containing Samples Using Chemical Testing Methodsper sample20,000.00
H0037Measurement of structures and chemical properties of material by Core Magnetic interactionper sample12,955.00
H0038Cryogenic Temperature Measurement of defects by the behavior of electron spin resonance in the materialper sample85,358.00
H0039Room-Temperature Measurement of defects by the behavior of electrons in the materialper sample12,955.00
H0040Sputterper sample1,300.00
H0041Metal evaporationper sample1,800.00
H0042(E-beam/Thermal for large area) (<1µm)per hour6,000.00
H0043Micron scaling and photographing the surfaceper sample435.00
H0044Surface-to-depth measurement of material contents with a ppm/ppb accuracyper sample12,955.00
H0045Nickel, Copper, Silver Platingper hour5,000.00
H0046Band gap and Defect analysis with the effect of Photoluminescence at room Temperaturesper sample2,160.00
H0047Implementation of the PTC simulator as a benchmark for industrial applicationsper samplePricing will be customized based on demand
H0048Structure and phase analysis by Raman spectroscopy methodper sample2,160.00
H0049Temperature Coefficient Measurement Testper sample26,985.00
H0050Mono Si wafer (M2,G1) saw damage removalper hour5,000.00
H0051Mono Si wafer (M2,G1) Surface texturing (forming Pyramid structures on the surface)per hour20,000.00
H0052SixNy and SiOxNy coating on Si surfaceper sample2,000.00
H0053Al2O3 coating on Si wafer surface (<10nm)per sample2,000.00
H0054Zn:Al coating on Si wafer surface (<10nm)per sample12,000.00
H0055Optical properties measurement of absorber materialsper sample3,455.00
H0056Standard Test Condition (STC) Performance Test (Double-Sided PV Panels)per sample6,980.00
H0057Standard Test Condition (STC) Performance Test (Single Sided PV Panels)per sample5,040.00
H0058Standard Test Condition (STC) Performance Test (Double-Sided PV Panels)per sample2,590.00
H0059Surface composition analysis mapping by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy of scanning electron beamper sample8,636.00
H0060Surface composition analysis by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy of scanning electron beam for 5 pointper sample4,320.00
H0061Annealing processes (<1000C)per hour2,000.00
H0062Thermal Imagingper sample (min 20 samples)200.00
H0063Oxidation of Si surface by thermal methodper sample2,000.00
H0064Thermophysical property measurement at room temperature with the transient plane source methodper sample2,160.00
H0065Thermophysical property measurement at high temperatures with the transient plane source methodper sample3,170.00
H0066Cutting, ablation and marking processesper hour3,000.00
H0067Reflection, transmission and/or photoluminesenceUp to 1 hour900.00
H0068Determination of charge carriers effective lifetime and implied Vocper sample200.00
H0069Surface topography roughness measurements with high resolution atomic force microscopyper sample3,455.00
H0070Determination of structural and morphological features from the surface and interface by high resolution scanning electron microscopyper sample3,455.00
H0071Determination of structural and morphological features from the surface and interface by high resolution scanning electron microscopyper sample2,590.00
H0072Surface temperature measurement with high precisionper day2,160.00
H0073Surface resistance measurementper sample100.00
H0074Glint and glare analysisper samplePricing will be customized based on demand


If a service request is sent on behalf of an institution, organization, university, or firm/company, the discount rates will be applied as follows:

  • Middle East Technical University (METU): %50
  • Research Infrastructures supported by Law No. 6550: %30 
  • METU Technopolis Firms: %30
  • Foundation Universities: %20
  • Public Institutions and Organizations: %30
  • Firms/Companies within the scope of Law No. 4961 and 5746: %20
  • Public, University, and Private Sector Cooperations: %20 (If the request is sent on behalf of a university)