Measurement of the muon flux at the SND@LHC experimentMakaleMeasurement of the muon flux at the SND@LHC experiment
Evaluation of residential stand alone photovoltaic systems in mega cities of the worldMakaleEvaluation of residential stand alone photovoltaic systems in mega cities of the world
Development of Low-Cost c-Si-Based CPV Cells for a Solar Co-Generation Absorber in a Parabolic Trough CollectorEnergiesMakaleBülent G. AKINOĞLU / Raşit TuranDevelopment of Low-Cost c-Si-Based CPV Cells for a Solar Co-Generation Absorber in a Parabolic Trough Collector
Influence of boron doping profile on emitter and metal contact recombination for n-PERT silicon solar cellsMakaleRaşit TuranInfluence of boron doping profile on emitter and metal contact recombination for n-PERT silicon solar cells
Development of a selective wet-chemical etchant for precise 3D sculpting of silicon enabled by infrared non-linear laser modificationMakaleAlpan BEK / Raşit TuranDevelopment of a selective wet-chemical etchant for precise 3D sculpting of silicon enabled by infrared non-linear laser modification
Annealing-free, electron-selective ohmic contacts using zirconium oxide and aluminum for n-type crystalline silicon solar cellsMakaleEmrah ÜNALAN / Raşit TuranAnnealing-free, electron-selective ohmic contacts using zirconium oxide and aluminum for n-type crystalline silicon solar cells