ODTÜ-GÜNAM TANDEM Project Receives Support from Horizon Europe

“Low-cost sustainable high efficiency tandem solar cells (TANDEM)” project, led by Dr. Hisham Nasser, Lead Researcher of ODTÜ-GÜNAM Silicon Photovoltaic Technologies Division, in which ODTÜ-GÜNAM is the member of a 5-member consortium, has been entitled to be supported within the scope of the call Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) announced under the Horizon Europe Program.

TANDEM will demonstrate sustainable and low-cost perovskite-Si tandem cell and module technologies where TOPCon technology is applied and optimized for the bottom cell using RCz ingot, the perovskite is solution-processed, and the use of critical raw materials is minimized.

We congratulate Dr. Nasser and all our researchers, as well as the administrative and technical personnel who supported the application preparations for the call, and we wish them continued success.