Test and Characterization

Our facility analyzes the half-fabricated cells by their structures with Raman, FTIR, XPS, ToF-SIMS, ECV, EDS, XRD, and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry measurements. Elemental bonds and their roles in the solar cells were investigated by Raman, FTIR, and XPS characterizations. Meanwhile, ToF-SIMS and ECV prepare doping levels of passive and active dopants in the cells. Furthermore, ToF-SIMS, XPS, and EDS could trace the impurities in the cells and affect their performance. XRD and Raman spectroscopy present crystallographic information about the layers in the cells, while Spectroscopic Ellipsometry measurements understand the optical properties of the layers. SEM and AFM techniques help us see the morphology and topography of the cells. Four-point probe, Sinton lifetime, and Suns-Voc evaluations demonstrate the potential of cells before fabrication is finished. Generally, we allege our capability to test and characterize skill varieties for solar cell technologies as a pioneer in Türkiye, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.


Service Order NumberDevice NameDevice Description
1High Voc Flash Solar Simulator M0-M12 (Class AAA) This device, the QuickSun 130E model of ENDEAS brand, is a compact mini module flasher for testing solar cells in the M0-M12 size range. The Class A+A+A+ solar simulator with 300-1200 nm Xenon spectrum can perform I-V measurement in seconds as a single table-top system.
2High Resolution Electroluminescense M0-M12This device, which is the High Resolution Electroluminescence model of the Endeas brand, reveals the performance, metal defects and microcracks of solar cells. It is a system for high resolution imaging of infrared radiation of solar cells. It contributes to optimising the efficiency, reliability and overall quality of solar cells using EL measurements.
3Flash Güneş Simülatörü (Class AAA) This device, the QuickSun 120E model of the ENDEAS brand, is a compact mini module flasher for testing solar cells in the M0-M12 size range. The Class A+A+A+ solar simulator with 300-1200 nm Xenon spectrum can perform I-V measurement in seconds as a single table-top system.
4Micro Raman SpectroscopyHoriba Jobin Yvon iHR550 Raman Spectroscopy is a very important analytical tool used in various scientific disciplines to investigate molecular structures with exceptional sensitivity. The principle of operation is based on the inelastic scattering of monochromatic light with a wavelength of 532 nm by molecules, and by looking at the Raman spectrum of the scattered light, vibrational and rotational information is obtained. These spectral fingerprints allow us to obtain information about the atomic content of the material.
5Spectroscopic elipsometryThe Semilab SOPRA GES-5E Ellipsometer excels in measuring surface properties such as thin film thicknesses and diffractive indices with high precision. Spectroscopic ellipsometry is an optical measurement system that analyses polarised light after its interaction with surfaces to determine the refractive indices and thicknesses (from a few Angstroms to several µm, depending on the material type) of thin films.
6Carrier Lifetime & i-Voc Measurement SystemSinton Lifetime Measurement WCT-120 is a device used to measure the load lifetime of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are vital for solar energy systems. It works by heating these components to evaluate their performance at different temperatures and measuring their photovoltage. This helps in estimating how long these components can sustain efficient electricity generation. As a result, it is a valuable tool to ensure the reliability and optimisation of PV cells and modules in various applications.
7Suns-Voc Measurement SystemThe Sinton open circuit test allows the calculation of the Current-Voltage curve without taking into account the metal resistance in solar cells. Comparison with the actual Current-Voltage curve reveals the quality of metals in solar cells.
84-point probe surface resisitivity Measurement SystemThe Jandel 4-point sensor resistance measurement system is a highly accurate and widely used method for determining the electrical resistivity of materials, especially thin films and semiconductors. It is a non-destructive approach that measures the resistance of a sample with minimal contact induced error.
9Electroluminescense Imaging SystemMBJ Solar Cell EL-Lab device is used to determine the operability and continuity of the contacts depending on the amount of radiation in the applied current after the contacts of the solar cells are formed.
10Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) with nanomagnetic branding is a powerful nanoscale imaging and measurement technique used in a variety of scientific and industrial applications. Its main purpose is to visualise and analyse the surface properties of a wide range of materials with exceptional precision.
11Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)SEM ZEISS EVO HD 15 is an electron microscope that operates under vacuum and can be applied to non-biological samples and acquires images by scanning the sample surface with a focused electron beam. Phase and grain analysis, crystallography, surface topography, contamination and corrosion analysis, imaging and analysis of heavy volume samples are performed with standard secondary electron, backscattering, variable pressure secondary electron modes.
12Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)It is a detector integrated into the SEM device and allows the electron beam to be dropped on the sample with a probe whose current and size can be controlled. The device measures the characteristic X-rays of each element with the help of an EDS detector.
13Photoluminescense Imaging System (PLI)The SemiLab PLI1001 instrument is a dedicated photoluminescence imaging instrument designed for wafer and cell inspection in the semiconductor industry. It offers high-resolution infrared imaging capabilities, making it suitable for micro and nanoscale analyses. Its primary functions include defect detection, enabling the identification of crystal defects, impurities and irregularities in semiconductor wafers and solar cells.
14Thin film I-V Measurement SystemBy applying voltage or current to the solar cell in a certain voltage range, the current-voltage characteristics are measured. These measurements can be used to evaluate the performance of the cell in dark and light conditions using a solar simulator. In this way, other electrical properties of the cell can be determined along with its photovoltaic properties.
15Digital ThermometryThis device is to display the temperature of the environment or objects quickly and accurately via a digital display. It provides a convenient measurement method in solar cells and various applications
16Electrochemical Capacitance‐Voltage Measurement (ECV)Electrochemical capacitance voltage measurement (ECV) is a cost-effective method widely used in silicon solar cell research. It is used to extract the depth-dependent doping profile of the sample. ECV only detects electrically active dopants.
17Contact Resistance Measurement by Transfer Length Method or Transmission Line Model (TLM)The TLM-Scan measuring tool from PV Tools is a multi-measurement tool for contact resistance, four contact point measurements and finger geometry analysis.
18Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)The Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 is an advanced FTIR spectrometer with a wide spectral range (4000 cm-¹ to 400 cm-¹) and high spectral resolution. It is used for a variety of sample types including solids, liquids and gases through transmission, reflection and attenuated total reflection (ATR) modes.
19Solar Cell Flash Solar Simulator test and sorter systemThe Solar Cell Flashlight Solar Simulator Test and Grading System is a test and grading tool used to evaluate the performance and efficiency of solar cells. Its main purpose is to analyse the electrical properties of solar cells by testing them under simulated sunlight conditions under flash light.
20Continuous Solar Simulator (Newport)The Newport Continuous Solar Simulator is a specialised device designed to mimic natural sunlight in a controlled laboratory environment. This simulator provides consistent and repeatable light conditions, allowing researchers and manufacturers to evaluate the performance, efficiency and lightfastness of solar cells under standardised test conditions.
21Temperature Dependent Carrier Lifetime Measurement SystemIt is a test device used to analyse the performance and efficiency of solar cells in a temperature-dependent manner. Its main purpose is to measure the lifetime of carriers in solar cells under various temperature conditions. This system allows us to analyse how cells respond to temperature changes and how these responses affect their electrical properties.
22Micro Scaling Optic microscop (Nikon)The Optical Microscope, which determines the microscale, provides micro-scale imaging thanks to its high magnification and allows us to make detailed examinations.
23Quantum Efficiency MeasurementThe BENTHAM PVE 300 is a highly versatile measurement system equipped with a dual source configuration including Xenon (Xe) and Quartz-Halogen (QH) lamp sources. The measurement system is calibrated to light in the wavelength range 300-1200 nm with the help of a monochromator and is used for External Quantum Efficiency calculations for silicon solar cells.
24Optical ReflectionThe BENTHAM PVE 300 is a highly versatile measurement system equipped with a dual source configuration including Xenon (Xe) and Quartz-Halogen (QH) lamp sources. Calibrated with the help of a monochromator to light in the wavelength range 300-1200 nm, the measuring system is used for optical reflectance analyses of materials.
25Optical TransmissionThe BENTHAM PVE 300 is a highly versatile measuring system equipped with a dual source configuration including Xenon (Xe) and Quartz-Halogen (QH) lamp sources. The measurement system is calibrated to light in the wavelength range 300-1200 nm with the help of a monochromator and is used for optical transmittance analyses of materials.
26Optical Haze MeasurementThe BENTHAM PVE 300 is a highly versatile measuring system equipped with a dual source configuration including Xenon (Xe) and Quartz-Halogen (QH) lamp sources. The measurement system, which is calibrated according to the light in the wavelength range of 300-1200 nm with the help of a monochromator, is used to calculate turbidity measurements of optical transmittance analyses of materials.
27Temperature coefficient measurement by Continous Solar Simulator (Spire)Spire Continuous Solar Simulator is a special device designed to simulate natural sunlight in a controlled laboratory environment. This simulator provides consistent and repeatable light conditions, allowing researchers and manufacturers to evaluate the performance, efficiency and lightfastness of solar cells under standardised test conditions. It is also used to calculate the temperature coefficients of solar cells with the ability to control the temperature of the solar cell chamber.
28Mechanical Profilometer (DEKTAK)/VeecoDektak M6 measures thin film thickness and the thickness of thin films and coatings on different substrates with nm scale accuracy. The tool can measure surface roughness as well as profile two-dimensional surface topography and waviness.
29Cryogenic Photoluminescens SpectroscopyHoriba Jobin Yvon iHR550 Photoluminescence Spectroscopy is based on inelastic scattering of monochromatic light with a wavelength of 532 nm by molecules. The material is cooled with the help of cryostat and defect information of the material is obtained by temperature-dependent measurement of direct and non-direct band gap energy by looking at the intensity spectrum of the scattered light.
30Crygenic Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)The Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 is an advanced FTIR spectrometer with a wide spectral range (4000 cm-¹ to 400 cm-¹) and high spectral resolution. Transmittance, reflectance and attenuated total reflection (ATR) modes are used to detect low-density structural contamination by cooling the material using cryostat.
31Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS)The deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) system is an experimental tool for studying electrically active defects (known as charge carrier traps) in semiconductors. During the DLTS experiment, when the material is cooled down to low temperatures such as 10K, it allows the fundamental defects in the structure to be revealed due to the increased lifetime of electrons.
32Activation Energy Measurement by Cryogenic I-V meaurement (IVT)Current-Voltage graphs and activation energies are calculated by cooling the materials with the help of cryostat.
33Dark I-V SetupWith the hand-made dark I-V system, it allows us to see and analyse the diode characteristics of a silicon solar cell in the dark and provides information about the loss mechanism.
34Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR/ESR)It allows us to obtain information about the defects of the material by examining the paramagnetic behaviour and spin properties of the electrons in the material.
35Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyBy examining the core magnetic interactions of the material; it details the structure, dynamics and environmental interactions of molecules at the atomic level and allows us to perform chemical analyses.
36Time-of-Flight – Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS)It can analyse the content of any material in depth up to one part per billion by analysing the secondary ions detached from the material depending on the time of flight. It is considered one of the most sensitive systems in the world in terms of resolution.
37Grazing Incidence Xray Diffraction (GIXRD)With the help of low angle x-rays, crystallographic information is analysed from very thin layers or from the top surface of the material.
38Outdoor Module Test PlatformPerformance/efficiency measurement and analysis for solar modules/panels at ODTÜ-GÜNAM’s Outdoor Module Test Platform
39Thermal Imaging CameraDetection of Hot Spot and several surface defects for solar modules/panels by Thermal Imaging
40Hot DiskThermophysical property measurement at ROOM temperature with the transient plane source method
41Hot DiskThermophysical property measurement at HIGH temperatures with the transient plane source method
42Solar Simulator18 kWe Solar Simulator use for Concentrated Solar Thermal Power applications


If a service request is sent on behalf of an institution, organization, university, or firm/company, the discount rates will be applied as follows:

  • Middle East Technical University (METU): %50
  • Research Infrastructures supported by Law No. 6550: %30 
  • METU Technopolis Firms: %30
  • Foundation Universities: %20
  • Public Institutions and Organizations: %30
  • Firms/Companies within the scope of Law No. 4961 and 5746: %20
  • Public, University, and Private Sector Cooperations: %20 (If the request is sent on behalf of a university)


* Up to 50% discount can be applied to public institutions and organizations, higher education institutions, and SMEs in service requests in line with the strategic goals of ODTÜ-GÜNAM in the field of solar energy research and development.