To be recognized globally as:
- the main driver for solar energy R&I in Turkey;
- the leading comprehensive solar energy Centre of Excellence (CoE) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region;
- contributing to solar energy R&I at EU and global levels through synergistic collaborations with leading CoEs in Europe specifically and throughout the world more generally
To strengthen the society by:
- creating fundamental knowledge through research that supports innovation in solar energy at national, EU and global levels;
- facilitating R&I at national, EU and global levels by providing scientific services and access to unique scientific facilities to researchers and industry;
- developing human capacities through training and education to strengthen R&I capacities and culture in Turkey specifically and at EU and global levels more generally; identifying and exploiting Intellectual Property (IP) created at ODTÜ-GUNAM;
- supporting the market-uptake of solar energy technologies in Turkey by providing scientific consulting to ministries to craft appropriate regulations and policies