The 4th International Photovoltaic Science and Technologies Conference (PVCon2024), Türkiye’s most comprehensive event in the fields of solar energy and photovoltaic science and technologies, was held on July 3-5, 2024 at the Middle East Technical University Culture and Convention Center with great interest from participants from the public, private sector, industry, academia and universities.
Within the scope of the conference, the Special Session on “Agrivoltaic System Design and Applications” was moderated by Yusuf Bahadir TURHAN from Solar3GW with invited talks by Mehmet Evren Eynehan (Enerjisa Üretim), Mehmet Yasir Herdem (GUMBEL GROUP), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Talat Özden (ODTÜ-GÜNAM) and Ramona Davoudnezhad Apaydın (Kalyon PV).
At the end of the session, a signing ceremony was held between Şebnem DOĞAN (ODTÜ-GÜNAM President), Yusuf Bahadir TURHAN (Chair of the Board of Solar3GW), and Dr. Cihan Uzun (Director of Konya Soil, Water and Deserting Control Research Institute & General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies) for the official launch of “KOZ”, an important agrivoltaic system project.