Solar Energy Enabled Electricity Generation via High Performance CZT/Si Tandem Cells
Assoc. Prof. Selçuk YERCİ
Prof. Dr. Raşit TURAN, Doç. Dr. Hüsnü Emrah ÜNALAN
ENGLAND-Biritish Council
The aim of SiZetSolar is to combine novel advanced industrial crystalline silicon (cSi) and CdTe cells on a hybrid CdZnTe (CZT)/cSi tandem platform for higher performance at low cost.
The project will apply advances in fundamental science of photovoltaic (PV) materials to boost both cell and module efficiency and improve service lifetime to reduce manufacturing costs. It will focus on advancing industrially-relevant PV technologies to impact the market within 10 years. The objectives include demonstration of 27% cell and 23% module efficiencies, reaching a TRL of 5 and preparation of detailed levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) and life-cycle assessment reports. The project will contribute to Turkey-UK economies in lowering the LCOE to below 0.2 €/kWh in Southern Europe by increasing PV efficiency thanks to a novel tandem technology.