Solar-thermal driven drying technologies for large-scale industrial applications: State of the art, gaps, and opportunitiesInternational Journal of Energy ResearchPaperDerek Keith BAKERSolar-thermal driven drying technologies for large-scale industrial applications: State of the art, gaps, and opportunities
Development and analysis of the novel hybridization of a single-flash geothermal power plant with biomass driven sco2-steam rankine combined cycleENTROPYPaperDerek Keith BAKERDevelopment and analysis of the novel hybridization of a single-flash geothermal power plant with biomass driven sco2-steam rankine combined cycle
Modeling heat exchangers with an open source DEM-based code for granular flowsSOLAR ENERGYPaperDerek Keith BAKER / İlker TARİModeling heat exchangers with an open source DEM-based code for granular flows
Radiative heat transfer in the discrete element method using distance based approximationsPOWDER TECHNOLOGYPaperDerek Keith BAKER / İlker TARİRadiative heat transfer in the discrete element method using distance based approximations